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Intégration des données de base des processus dans la gestion de la production et de la qualité

ibaAnalyzer-DB, l’interface de bases de données pour ibaAnalyzer, permet d’approfondir l’agrégation des données en fonction de leur longueur ou de l’heure et de les stocker dans les bases de données avec les indicateurs calculés.

Coup d'œil sur ibaAnalyzer-DB

Integration of basic process data - ibaAnalyzer-DB

  • Extraction de bases de données via le fournisseur ODBC/OLE
  • Calcul et extraction transparents et compréhensibles de données de qualité et de KPI à partir de données brutes haute résolution vers des bases de données
  • Utilisation d’ibaAnalyzer et ibaAnalyzer-Reportgenerator en fonction des requêtes des bases de données
  • Réponse aux questions relatives aux processus par le biais d’une analyse des bases de données
  • Navigation souple parmi les données brutes

Calculation of Quality Data

With the iba system, production and quality data can be generated directly from data recorded with high resolution taking into account the above-mentioned requirements. For this purpose, high-resolution data must first be prepared appropriately with ibaAnalyzer, then aggregated and loaded into a database with ibaAnalyzer-DB.

Before data is loaded into the database, it can be fully „pre“-processed with the well-known analysis func tions of ibaAnalyzer. In this process, existing analysis specifications can be used to extract a variety of data into the database, such as, for example:

measured signals

derived and calculated signals
(virtual signals)

statistic values,
such as maxima, minima, averages, standard deviations

characteristics calculated related to the product,
such as violations of limits, product blocking note, customer IDs, length calculations (e.g. undercoating length, prime piece length), etc.

text information

Standard interface for databases

ibaAnalyzer uses the standard ADO NET connectors for communication with the databases. Based on this concept, ibaAnalyzer can work with many different data bases, such as, for example:

Points forts des produits

Layer Model is broken

The classic layer model of communication in production automation is consciously broken through in order to be able to offer the following advantages:

  • versatile connectivity
  • fast data acquisition
  • data pre-processing right after generation
  • calculation of KPIs direct at the source
  • source of KPI data is known and traceable
  • drill down to raw data possible
  • flexibility in case of changes - if different or more data have to be extracted into the database, only the configuration but not the communication interfaces between the individual levels need to be adapted.
Automated Data Extraction

Although ibaAnalyzer uses completed measurement files as a source, analysis and extraction can be automated in a very process-oriented way. Using the postpprocessing function in ibaPDA or ibaLogic, the analysis can be started immediately after a measurement file has been created. Additional utilities, such as ibaDatCoordinator or batch files, are available for more sophisticated solutions.

Caractéristiques du produit

Loading data into database – scalable extraction

The user can define any number of archiving profiles for extraction in order to reduce the data volume to a small but informative amount. Each measured signal can be individually assigned to an archiving profile.

Topology – from local to plant-wide analyses

When using ibaAnalyzer with a local database, e.g. quality data of a plant can be analyzed, traced and managed clearly. MSSQL Express or MS Access databases are often used for such systems.

Database query

The standard query wizard of ibaAnalyzer assists the user during database query or in searching for specific data using different criteria. Queries can be saved for later use and managed with ibaAnalyzer.

Database analysis

Data read from databases can be viewed and analyzed in the usual way with ibaAnalyzer. It is particularly interesting to note that analyses can also be carried out directly on the basis of the prepared characteristic values of the database.

Measured data and quality data

With iba applications such as ibaPDA, ibaQDR or ibaLogic, data from automated production plants and technical processes can be acquired flexibly and stored in a measurement file. Data is generally recorded with a high time resolution in order to provide information as detailed as possible.

Automatic table creation

The database in use can be located on the same system as ibaAnalyzer or on a server in the network. The connection between ibaAnalyzer and the database has to be configured once; the tables will then be created automatically by ibaAnalyzer at the click of a button.


Extracting into databases can be used interactively with ibaAnalyzer without license. 

This software is one of many useful add-ons of ibaAnalyzer

ibaAnalyzer se distingue par ses nombreuses fonctionnalités d’analyse et d’évaluation. L’application offre un fonctionnement intuitif et de nombreuses fonctions complexes. La licence nécessaire pour modifier les fichiers de mesure générés avec le système iba est gratuit.

En savoir plus

Extensions pour ibaAnalyzer

Le système ibaAnalyzer peut être étendu de manière modulaire par une multitude d’add-ons utiles avec des fonctions supplémentaires

Offline vibration analysis - ibaAnalyzer-InSpectra

Detailed offline Vibration Analysis

Automated generation of reports - ibaAnalyzer-Reportgenerator

Génération automatique de rapports

Detailed offline analysis of cyclic processes - ibaAnalyzer-InCycle

Detailed offline analysis of cyclic processes

Display geographic positions and movement - ibaAnalyzer-Maps
ibaAnalyzer maps view

Display of GPS positions and routes

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En choisissant un pays, ma demande sera transmise à la branche nationale d'iba AG responsable des ventes et du support.


Veuillez contacter votre partenaire commercial local.

Order no.NameDescription
33.010.000ibaAnalyzerOffline analysis tool*
33.010.003ibaAnalyzer-DB-ReadOffline analysis: read data from SQL databases
33.010.008ibaAnalyzer-DB-Read-5Offline analysis: read data from SQL databases, 5 users
33.010.410ibaAnalyzer-InSpectra+Offline vibration analysis: trend and output of InSpectra results in
33.010.411ibaAnalyzer-InCycle+Offline analysis of cyclic processes: trend and output of InCycle
results in ibaAnalyzer
33.010.445ibaAnalyzer-E-DatOffline analysis for external data formats
33.010456ibaAnalyzer-Add-On-TDMS-ExtractOffline data extraction from an original DAT file into a TDMS format
(free of charge)

* Software is licensed free of charge for analyzing measurement data generated with the iba system.