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Central manager for iba software

ibaManagementStudio provides a central overview of all currently installed iba software within a company network. All information collected in the server such as license information, software version and status, etc. can be displayed on arbitrary systems by using a web browser only.

ibaManagementStudio at a Glance

  • Central manager for iba software
  • ibaManagementStudio Server collects information from all iba products installed in the network
  • Information is displayed in a web-browser (platform-independent); no client software needs to be installed
  • ibaManagementStudio Agents to communicate with the server are part of each iba software product
  • ibaManagementStudio can be used to manage decentralized iba edge devices world-wide
  • Remote software and license updates with add-on product
« Nous faisons partie des rares entreprises qui maîtrisent l’intégralité de la chaîne technologique allant du hardware et des logiciels aux systèmes de bases de données. »

Oliver Soukup, Responsable du développement, iba AG

Product Highlights

Inventory information

The ibaManagementStudio Server collects information about the installed iba software and available licenses via the connected agents. The collected information can then be viewed with a web browser. The software information contains a list of any installed iba software and its version as well as different status information. Depending on the iba software, for example, it is displayed whether a recording is currently running or the number of active HD stores, etc.

User management

The integrated user management allows the administrator to control the rights and the access to the different PCs with iba software for each user individually. It is also possible to integrate the ibaManagementStudio Server into an Active Directory for easier user management.

System architecture

The ibaManagementStudio consists of one server and one or more agents. The server is the central object to manage the connection to the different agents and to prepare the gathered information for the web client. After successful log in, the user gets the collected information about the different software products, depending on the configured access level.

Caractéristiques du produit

Current situation

iba software products such as ibaPDA, ibaCapture or ibaAnalyzer are installed on many PCs in the production and office networks. Furthermore, widely distributed edge devices like ibaDAQ make it even more challenging to get an overview about the installed software versions as well as to administrate the installations.

Benefits of ibaManagementStudio

With ibaManagementStudio, it is possible to generate an overview of all iba systems which are currently connected over the local network or company-wide over VPN. The information can be accessed on any device with a web browser, such as PC, tablet or smartphone. It is not necessary to install additional software on the clients.

Customized views

The different PCs with iba software can be grouped to have a better and easier overview of the physical location of the infrastructure (e.g. plant structure) or of the logical relation (i.e. all ibaAnalyzer-PCs, all quality-related ibaPDA-PCs).


Install iba software centrally with ibaManagementStudio+

Software updates possible from any iba system

Updates of the iba software no longer have to be carried out on every computer on site, but can also be installed centrally with ibaManagementStudio. To ensure that you do not miss any updates, a message appears as soon as there are new versions for the respective iba software.

License updates can be automated

In addition, new licenses or an extension of the maintenance period, the so-called EUP date, can also be imported remotely. All that is required is a connection to the ibaManagement Server, which detects new updates and makes them available for installation.

Recognize and react quickly to error situations

A dashboard view provides key information about the hardware and software of the iba systems at a glance, such as license information, warning and error messages, notifications about license and software updates, CPU and memory capacity.

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