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ibaHD-Server - HDS2024-04

ibaHD-Server version v3.3.3

What’s new in this version?

To run ibaHD-Server v3.3.x the EUP date of 2024 01 25 or later is needed.

Important Improvements

Extended options to mount and attach HD store backups:

Up to 52 backups can be attached to an active or mounted HD store.

If more than 52 HD backups are selected per store, the most recent 52 backups will be attached.

The attached or mounted backups consume parts of the RAM. There will be a warning during attaching or mounting, if the remaining RAM is less than 2 GB.


The HD data aggregation levels of signals of module type 32 or 64 bit-decoder were calculated incorrectly. Due to the incorrect aggregation, data points with timestamps that were in the future were added. The raw level data were correctly recorded. Aggregation of data based on raw data has now been corrected and affects new incoming data, existing historical aggregated data is not corrected.

The calculation of the start time of daily HD backups was not taking the Daylight-saving time into account. The backup start time were shifted about one hour during summer times.

The accidental change of events of a trigger module with a configuration change in the ibaPDA will be ignored by the ibaHD-Server. With ibaPDA v8.7.2 or higher an automatic reorganization of the events to the corresponding signal order can happen. This can cause also a reordering of the events in the ibaHD-Server.

For full reference on other included new features, improvements and bugfixes please download this new version and check the included version history document.

Registered users can download this new version in our download area.

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