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Detailed offline analysis of cyclic processes

ibaAnalyzer-Cycle offers the functions of ibaInCycle for monitoring cyclic processes offline. Analysis configurations can first be designed and tested offline within ibaAnalyzer and transferred to ibaPDA for real-time monitoring. It can also be used to verify existing ibaInCycle installations to help tune the online calculations.

ibaAnalyzer-InCycle at a Glance

Detailed offline analysis of cyclic processes - ibaAnalyzer-InCycle

  • Configure ibaInCycle profiles offline based on recorded data
  • Fine-tune the cycle monitoring offline
  • Validate warnings and alarms
  • Detailed analysis of process and machine behavior while taking into account all process parameters
  • Analyze cycles using the expert module

Product Features

From online monitoring to offline analysis

The ibaInCycle plug-in in ibaPDA offers various possibilities for online monitoring of rotating or cyclically recurring processes. With ibaAnalyzer-InCycle a gap is bridged between ibaPDA and ibaAnalyzer and a consistent tool chain from online monitoring to offline detail analysis is offered.

Validation and offline analysis

With ibaAnalyzer-InCycle, the calculations of ibaInCycle can be carried out offline. Characteristic values that triggered an alarm can be validated and the problem can be analyzed offline. By integrating ibaInCycle in ibaAnalyzer, you can easily correlate process values and machine characteristic values to gain an overall picture of the process and machine states.

Configuration tool for ibaInCycle

ibaAnalyzer-InCycle allows you to configure calculation rules offline in form of profiles and test them with recorded data. These profiles can be transferred to ibaInCycle via import and export and used there.

This Software is one of many useful Add-ons of ibaAnalyzer

ibaAnalyzer is characterized by its broad capability for analyzing and evaluating data. The application is intuitive and offers an advanced set of functions. The license for analyzing measurement files, which have been generated with the iba system, is free of charge.

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Add-ons for ibaAnalyzer

The ibaAnalyzer can be modularly extended by a number of useful add-ons with additional functions

Offline vibration analysis - ibaAnalyzer-InSpectra

Detailed offline Vibration Analysis

Display geographic positions and movement - ibaAnalyzer-Maps
ibaAnalyzer maps view

Display of GPS positions and routes

Integration of basic process data - ibaAnalyzer-DB
ibaAnalyzer database functionality

Database connnectivity integrated in ibaAnalyzer

Automated generation of reports - ibaAnalyzer-Reportgenerator

Automated Generation of Reports

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Order no.NameDescription
33.010.000ibaAnalyzerOffline analysis tool*
33.010.003ibaAnalyzer-DB-ReadOffline analysis: read data from SQL databases
33.010.008ibaAnalyzer-DB-Read-5Offline analysis: read data from SQL databases, 5 users
33.010.410ibaAnalyzer-InSpectra+Offline vibration analysis: trend and output of InSpectra results in
33.010.411ibaAnalyzer-InCycle+Offline analysis of cyclic processes: trend and output of InCycle
results in ibaAnalyzer
33.010.445ibaAnalyzer-E-DatOffline analysis for external data formats
33.010456ibaAnalyzer-Add-On-TDMS-ExtractOffline data extraction from an original DAT file into a TDMS format
(free of charge)

* Software is licensed free of charge for analyzing measurement data generated with the iba system.